The Fivefold Kiss: Understanding the Controversial Blessing

The Fivefold Kiss is a blessing ritual first seen in the Gardnerian First Degree Initiation.  It involves the priestess or priest (of the opposite gender polarity of the initiate) to kneel and kiss five points on the initiate’s body: the feet, the knees, the groin, the breast, and the lips.

He then kneels at her feet, saying, “In other religions the postulant kneels, as the Priests claim supreme power, but in the Art Magical, we are taught to be humble, so we kneel to welcome them and say:

“Blessed be thy feet that have brought thee in these ways.” (He kisses the feet.)

“Blessed be thy knees that shall kneel at the sacred altar.” (He kisses the knees.)

“Blessed be thy womb/phallus, without which we would not be.” (He kisses the Organ of Generation.)

“Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty and in strength.” (He kisses the breasts.)

“Blessed be thy lips, which shall utter the sacred names.” (He kisses the lips.)

The wording is essentially the same in later versions of the ritual, indicating that this blessing was a central feature of the rite.

Some people, both those who have experienced the initiation and those who have not, object to the Fivefold Kiss and its short-form recall, “Blessed Be”.  They argue that it is unnecessarily sexual and inappropriate for those who don’t wish to be blessed with fertility.  But I believe that it is both appropriate and meaningful in a religion that celebrates the fertility of the cosmos.

On paper, the ritual of the Fivefold Kiss seems mysterious and sacred.  But in reality, it can be a source of mirth as well as reverence.  I have attended initiations where the priest, plagued with bad knees, needed assistance kneeling and standing in order to perform the blessing.  I’ve also attended initiations where the blessing was awkward and amusing to both the blesser and the blessed.  While it can be a powerful affirmation of the power of the soon-to-be witch, it can also be a humbling icebreaker between initiator and initiate.

Breaking Down the Fivefold Kiss

The Fivefold Kiss blessing is very straightforward in what it is trying to accomplish.  The priestess or priest kneels, showing humility before the new initiate.  This is because in the Circle, as in life, no person is inherently better than another person, no matter what their rank or station might be.  The gesture of humility reminds the initiator that their place is to serve, not to rule, and to remind the initiate that they are valued.

The Feet

“Blessed be thy feet that have brought thee in these ways.”  This blessing recalls to the initiate that they have walked a unique path in life that has brought them to this moment in the Circle.  Their life has culminated in this moment of blessing, and soon initiation.

The Knees

“Blessed be thy knees that shall kneel at the sacred altar.”  This blessing recalls to the initiate that they have come to the Craft to serve and adore the Gods and do the Gods’ work at the altar.  The altar is more than the physical altar in the Circle but rather the sacredness of all moments in life in all places.

The Genera

“Blessed be thy womb/phallus, without which we would not be.”  This blessing, the one that is often maligned for its unabashed sexual reference, recalls to the initiate that they, as a human being, have organs that have the potential to bring forth life.  The blessing of fertility is implied for those who wish to receive it, but it can also be implied as a blessing of celebration for having sexual organs which bring forth pleasure.  In fact, in some traditions, the blessing reads, “Blessed be thy genera, which bring forth pleasure and life.”

The Breast

“Blessed be thy breast, formed in beauty and in strength.”  This blessing recalls to the initiate that they are beautiful and powerful, not only in body but also in spirit.  The breast, in female-bodied people, is the source of comfort and nourishment.  In male-bodied people, it conjures up the image of proud, assertive self-expression.  But truly, both of these things are equally applicable to all people.  There is beauty in the physical form but also in the symbolic representation of it.

The Lips

“Blessed be thy lips, which shall utter the sacred names.”  This blessing recalls to the initiate that their words are powerful, and that they will soon speak the names of the Gods as bestowed upon them by the tradition they’re initiating into.

The Five True Points of Fellowship

The Fivefold Kiss is recalled in the Third Degree Initiation as the Five True Points of Fellowship.  In the poetic invocation it’s explained as, “Behold the Mystery aright, The Five True Points of Fellowship, Here where the Lance and Grail unite, And feet and knees and breast and lips.”  It refers, obviously, to the act of sexual union, and because it does, some people get affronted by it.  But humanity is a sexual species.  We as a species continue to exist by people having sex, giving birth, and nourishing their children.  And that’s what the Third Degree Initiation celebrates — the union of Goddess and God, the union of human and human, the union of self with cosmos.  

Inclusive Wicca

There will always be some people who don’t like the sexuality of Wicca.  For those, all I can say is, don’t participate in the sexuality of Wicca.  Wicca doesn’t require sexual references or acts in order to be fully experienced — though some people will get their knickers in a twist to hear that!  The Fivefold Kiss is meaningful to many — but not to all.  So for those for whom it wouldn’t be meaningful, do something else that would be!  Wicca as a religion is still growing and evolving, and while it does have certain rites that have stood the test of time, there is plenty of room yet to expand and include all people.