Witchcraft is the recourse of the oppressed, and it always has been. It is subversive, countercultural, revolutionary. It breaks unjust bonds. It uplifts the downtrodden. It punishes the wicked. And the real danger for the Craft in the 21st Century is that mainstreaming it and becoming respectable in the eyes of the overculture — which…
Susan had a rule. In the mornings, no one said anything to anybody — not even “good morning” — until after the first cup of coffee was consumed. It was a rule she brought with her from Short Mountain Sanctuary, a Radical Faerie intentional community in Tennessee that she’d been involved with for a couple…
The ritual circle at Taz and Alex’s house was the main feature of their verdant back yard. It was eighteen feet in diameter with twelve stones — limestone, marble, quartz, granite, and others — marking the circumference. Wild strawberry plants surrounded the southern half of the circle, and the northern half was marked by three…