I let the Harvest Moon pass by unmarked. Same with Lughnasadh. Same with a handful of other holidays. It wasn’t because it wasn’t on my calendar. It was there, taunting me with its very presence. But I didn’t have the energy or inclination to celebrate. I barely had energy to get up that morning and…
Moving from a belief-based religion to a practice-based religion can be daunting, especially for those with little experience with personal spiritual practice to begin with. Shifting away from a system where your thoughts and feelings rather than your actions define your spirituality can be very empowering, but some people may worry — as I did…
Once you have constructed your inner temple, you might wonder what you can do with it besides conduct astral rituals. The answer is, whatever you can imagine. I’ve listed a few ideas below, based on my own experience, with brief instructions on how to perform the exercises. May they serve as inspiration for your own…
There are thousands of titles on Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism, magick, and the occult from publishers large and small. Some of them are useful to read and refer back to again and again. Some of them are, quite frankly, not worth the paper they’re printed on. And some of them are so expensive as to be…
Tradition and Path are words that get tossed around a lot in the discussion of Paganism and Wicca. Young traditions are sometimes scoffed at as being ‘really just a path’, as if a path is somehow less important than a tradition. There’s the implication that paths are eclectic or made up and thus less authentic…