Over the last couple of decades, there has been a widespread push in modern Paganism to look at our history — our real history, not the mythological pseudohistory that tells of a pan-European Goddess cult and nine million women dying in the Burning Times. This push has led to increased scholarship in Pagan Studies and…
In Paganism, we’ve come a long way from “gay people mess up the energy in circle”. There are a variety of traditions who are open to working with Queer folks. But we’re still largely in the stage of accepting Queer people. Encouragingly, there’s movement toward affirming Queer people, but it’s still working its way through…
I see it all the time on Tumblr. I’m a storm witch. I’m a death witch. I’m a forest witch. I’m a crystal witch. And for the inexperienced ones, I’m a baby witch. And it seems like there’s the expectation that if you draw your power from a certain major source or if you have…
I was a month shy of my seventeenth birthday when I decided I wanted to be a priestess. I envisioned leading rituals, working magick to heal people, and teaching starry-eyed seekers about the Mysteries of the Craft. What I did not envision – not at sixteen and not at twenty-six – was the massive amount…
My parents were very observant of the Episcopal faith when I was growing up. My father was a lay minister, my mother was a leader in our congregation’s St. Anne’s Guild, I was an acolyte and later a crucifer. The kids all went to Sunday School and Children’s Chapel. As we got older, we took…