In honor of National Coming Out Day, I wanted to tell my story. I have a secret. Sometimes I wish I were a straight woman. It would be so much easier, less complicated, more accepted than being a Queer person. I didn’t ask to be pansexual. I didn’t ask to be nonbinary. I didn’t ask…
Prayer beads have been used for centuries to count out prayers and to serve as a repository of spiritual power, comfort, and protection. In Wicca, and in other Pagan traditions, there is no reason why we can’t use prayer beads as a meditative aid if we feel called to do so. They are a cross-cultural…
Mental health is a subject near and dear to my heart because I struggle with several major conditions. I have Bipolar I Disorder, and I have experienced visual and auditory hallucinations while in manic and depressive states. I have Autism and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. I have been frankly suicidal on more than one occasion. And…
While Wicca as a religion is now old enough to have grandchildren — children raised in the faith by parents who were raised in the faith by parents who converted to the Craft — there are still plenty of practitioners who come to Wicca and other traditions in Paganism from Christianity. And many of them…
One of the great Mysteries of the Craft is that each of us is a perfect, amazing, flamboyant, paradoxical reflection of the Divine. Of course, this Mystery looks cheap on paper. Until its full power is realized through direct experience, it seems obvious, cliché, tawdry. The experience of the Mysteries is what makes them powerful…