Let me preface this recommendation list by saying that it is not the be-all-and-end-all of advanced reading lists. In fact, it barely scratches the surface. It will be most relevant to Wiccans, although there are some titles that will be of interest to non-Wiccan Witches and Pagans as well. I’ve tried to give representation to…
There are thousands of titles on Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism, magick, and the occult from publishers large and small. Some of them are useful to read and refer back to again and again. Some of them are, quite frankly, not worth the paper they’re printed on. And some of them are so expensive as to be…
Priestesshood is more than having a mature spirituality and a calling. It’s also having the courage and grace to serve others humbly and compassionately knowing that you will never be compensated for your physical, mental, and emotional labor. It’s giving up your plans. It’s giving up your anonymity. It’s being the bad guy sometimes when…
Paganism is mainstream enough that there are books available on nearly every topic of interest in major bookstores. And if there isn’t a book available yet, someone’s probably writing it. That is great progress from fifteen years ago when I was seeking to advance my knowledge and become more than a beginner in the Craft.…